Fire and Ice Roleplay
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Written in the starz ♥

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Written in the starz ♥ Empty Written in the starz ♥

Post by Melody Hale Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:54 am

Written in the starz ♥ Fsdsf

Welcome to Newmill's school of performing arts.
Here we teach you the amazing qualities it takes to be famous and successful.
You'll find our students are a little immature, but we think that makes all the
better. Here we help release your inner star and introduce you to music,
dance, drama and your inner singing voice. You pick your favourite subject
which is the one you'll spend most of your time working on. Our teachers
are friendly and playful. We try to use fun methods of learning. Will you
become famous, find love or just have a laugh.

You can't see your future....
Or can you,
is it written in the starz??
Melody Hale
Melody Hale

Posts : 125
Join date : 2010-09-24
Age : 28
Location : Forks, Washington

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