Fire and Ice Roleplay
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?!The Site Plot!?

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?!The Site Plot!? Empty ?!The Site Plot!?

Post by Melody Hale Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:04 am


?!The Site Plot!? Bella_and_edward_new_moon-1-1

The cullen's were forced to move, because people started getting suspious. They didn't know where to go, because they wanted to go somewhere they hadn't already been. So guess where they've come!? Great Britain! Yes, to the rainy europain island! Little do they know that they are in danger there! For Edwards Nephew, Zac Masen and Rosalie's Neice, Melody Hale are alive!
Not only are they alive, but they are going to the same high school!

Melody is still human and knows nothing about her past, well she know's a little and has seen the pictures but little is to her knowlage of her aunt Rosalie. Zac on the other hand is already a vampire, but is Melody's best friend and Melody has fallen in love with him. Though he doesn't know. Everything has been turned on its head, mostly because Melody isn't good at keeping her mouth shut!

So what will happen!? Will the Cullens life come to an end!?

Some say the world will end in fire...
Other's say in ice...

Melody Hale
Melody Hale

Posts : 125
Join date : 2010-09-24
Age : 28
Location : Forks, Washington

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